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10 results for "amy simpson"

    Amy Simpson

    Amy Simpson is the award-winning author of and . She is a certified personal and professional coach for clients throughout the United States and enjoys coming alongside people to help them own their purpose, step forward, and live in truth. She also serves as senior editor of Leadership Journal and a frequent speaker for various events. She is married to Trevor Simpson, a licensed clinical professional counselor, and is mom to two girls. They liv...

    Type: Authors

    Troubled minds, mental illness and the Church’s mission

    ...on, along with her personal experience with mental illness and the church. Amy Simpson offers helpful insights on how to approach this subject matter in the interview below. One of her most powerful takeaways lies in the response the church can offer to individuals dealing with mental illness. While it may be easier to stay away from the situation and remain silent, Amy suggests engagement. Moreso, she paints a picture of how we, as the body of th...

    Type: Article Categories: Health + Wellness, Your Life

    Choosing faith over worry

    ...free from anxiety. What that looks like on a daily basis is the subject of Amy’s new book . Here’s where that conversation takes us: Amy looks at what how worry can change us and what bad habits often form in times of anxiety. At its heart, worry can be thought of as an act of rebellion. Behind worry is the powerful concept of fear. What is the difference between worry, fear and anxiety? Can anxiety sometimes be a useful and good thing? The...

    Type: Article Categories: Health + Wellness, Your Life

    Mental illness and the mission of the Church

    ...a look at how to understand and support those living with mental illness. Amy’s book is Troubled Minds: Mental Illness and the Church’s Mission. Amy shares her own experience growing up with a mother who battled schizophrenia. “She’d have a hard time reading, following a sermon. Often she couldn’t connect with other people and sometimes she would zone out or isolate herself for long periods of time. The reality is th...

    Type: Article Categories: Health + Wellness, Your Life

    The multi-faceted nature of mental illness

    ...ives with depression, bipolar disorder, or a different mental illness. Amy Simpson discusses the multifaceted nature of mental illness and how the church can serve those who live with one. Often, people who are suffering from mental illness are told that they could recover if they just make certain lifestyle changes or have more faith. According to Amy this is usually not true. “We tend to think much differently about psychiatric medication...

    Type: Article Categories: Health + Wellness, Your Life

    Is Christian counseling misunderstood?

    ...etely and discourage the use of psychiatrists and counselors. According to Amy Simpson when done right, Christian counselors can provide their clients with the best of both worlds. “Assuming you’ve got a highly qualified counselor, they are able to mesh faith concerns and support a person’s spiritual life as well as supporting them emotionally and mentally.” There are many Christian counselors who are equipped to help those who are struggling on a...

    Type: Article Categories: Health + Wellness, Your Life

    Equality Act or anti-Christian bigotry | When moral boundaries increase sin

    ...Matt Hawkins, former policy director for Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, looks at legislation that tries to extend the 1968 Civil Rights Act to codify LGBT ideology as a civil right. Amy Simpson talks about her article on how our internal sin nature can distort even well-meaning moral boundaries....

    Type: Program_podcast

    Dealing with mental illness

    ...Statistics suggest one in four people suffer from some form of mental illness. Yet many of our family, friends, and fellow church members suffer in silence while we don’t know what to say or do. We’ll find helpful insight from Amy Simpson as she shares from her personal experience and from her book . Highlight – Dealing with mental illness Dealing with Mental Illness...

    Type: Article Categories: Health + Wellness, Your Life

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