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Lauren Banik


It’s time for another round of The Blame Game

The other night, an incident that happened a couple years ago resurfaced at the dinner table.  My husband, one of my daughters, Leigha and I were discussing how Leigha was able to text me when she didn’t have anything to text me with.  She informed me that she used the IPad, which then was followed up by her father asking “well,…



Ahhh!  The holidays are just around the corner!  Maybe you are anticipating Thanksgiving and Christmas like I am! What else are you anticipating?  A birthday?  Starting a new job?  How about God to use you to do great things? I remember 7 years ago when I started asking God to use me…yep, use me.  It was just that simple…


Ahh, parenting…the beautiful letdown

As moms, we have a lot on our plate running a household!  Just look at the start of the day.  You make sure the kids get up in the morning and ready for school.  You ask “Are you all ready to walk out the door?” and of course they say “Yes” which really means I still have to brush my teeth, do my hair, and study…


Hello, my name is Lauren and I’m a hugger

I’ll be the first to admit that I am a hugger!  To me, hugs make things a lot better!  They break down walls that we have put up and help us heal! One Scenario: You married?  I know you can relate… For instance, you might walk in the door after work and you already did 50 things wrong!  Sure you don’t know that you…


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