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Julie Buchtenkirch


Thanksgiving memories of Peppermint Patty and my sister’s hair on fire!

Both of these things remind me of Thanksgiving; which in turn fill my heart with warm fuzzies and thankfulness. It was in the late 80′s, so our hair was big and exteremly flammable thanks to Aqua Net.  Jennifer simply leaned over to ask if someone could pass the rolls and whoosh……a Thanksgiving bonfire. The next few minutes are quite…


Chairs and tables and me… oh my!

My kitchen table is a little like me. It started out new and fresh. But, then you live a little and before you know it you’re covered in scratches and permanent stains. At one point, I got so sick of seeing the mess that I hid the table and chairs in the garage. There, I said, “it can be used as a junky garage table, that’s all it’s good…


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Afternoon Programs

Susie Larson Weekend

Susie Larson

Building Relationships

Dr. Gary Chapman

Revive Our Hearts Weekend

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

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Shelby Abbott

The Equipped

Thann Bennett

The Conversation

Adam Weber

Handling disappointment

The Conversation Podcast is just that: life-giving conversations between Adam Weber and his guests about the good, bad, and otherwise in life, leadership, and loving others well. It’s the story behind the story told through the eyes of household names, everyday people, and everyone in between, showing that truly everyone has…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Are you mindstuck and need to change?

The Conversation Podcast is just that: life-giving conversations between Adam Weber and his guests about the good, bad, and otherwise in life, leadership, and loving others well. It’s the story behind the story told through the eyes of household names, everyday people, and everyone in between, showing that truly everyone has…

Dr. Linda Mintle


The science of being charming

The Conversation Podcast is just that: life-giving conversations between Adam Weber and his guests about the good, bad, and otherwise in life, leadership, and loving others well. It’s the story behind the story told through the eyes of household names, everyday people, and everyone in between, showing that truly everyone has…

Dr. Linda Mintle



Susie Larson

Susie Larson Weekend

Susie Larson
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