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Brad Peterson

How to rehab faith

Physically, there are many reasons why people work out; one reason is rehabilitation. They were hurt or became ill. Rehab defined: “Treat or treatments designed to facilitate the process of recovery from injury, illness or disease to as normal a condition as possible.” So some people aren’t in the gym just…


What is wrong with me? I am not myself anymore

Ten years ago I ran around in short-sleeve shirts in 30 degree, 12 degree windchill weather and was sweating. I noticed the frame of my body was sickly skinny. At night, sleep was impossible because I could feel my heart racing and beating out of chest or my back, depending on how I was laying in bed. What was wrong, I did not feel like myself…


Just as you are

It happened nearly five years ago. I had been divorced for five years, wayward, empty and had made too many bad decisions. No drugs, no alcohol, I was a sinner and made bad decisions. I was not angry, oh no, my Lord had been so good to me. I just wasn’t available to Him. But over time He drew my heart to Him. He used people to mentor me and I became…


We are who God made us to be

I’m all about encouraging you! You are a masterpiece! When God made you, God really DID break the mold. There is no other person who is like you. Knowing that we are unique should humble us. It goes even further, He can use everybody He creates. God can look at you and can see what you will become before you have actually become it.…


The value of words, what to do with a million a year?

The choice of words make a huge difference. What we say to our kids, our spouse, our boss, our friends and standing in line, the words we use are so powerful. Sometimes we say words that shouldn’t be said. Sometimes we omit words that need to be said. In James 3, we find that words can change the course of life. no man can tame the tongue,…


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