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Grace Reif

How to date as a single person

Waiting, watching, praying, seeking counsel, more waiting, more talking, more praying. Christian circles are full of dating talk, and many well-meaning people offer input. I’ve gone through every stage – the I-Kissed-Dating-Goodbye stage, the I-Gave-Dating-A-Chance stage, the Live-Like-A-Hermit-‘Til-He-Comes-Riding-in-on-a-Hor…


A messy, scary battle with sin

It had been a long day, and I was excited to come home and have time to relax. I’d kicked off my shoes and was all ready to curl up with a good book and my journal. Casually I glanced up – and that’s when I saw it. A large black object on the ceiling above the kitchen table. It was one of my worst fears, in the flesh. Or the exoskeleton.…


Life in the Toolbox

I feel a bit like a construction worker, loaded up with all the most useful, expensive power tools in the world but no building materials.


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greg laurie

A New Beginning

Greg Laurie
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