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Your Stories

Faith after losing a child…

My faith was tested 4 years ago, more than it ever had been before… On July 15, 2009, I received an emergency text from one of my son’s best friends, Blake. I remember what it said to this day. “Colleen, call ASAP! It’s about Dan. He is about to be airlifted”. That was it, that was the message said. When…

Something inside just took hold…

I became a believer and follower of Christ only about two and a half years ago. I went through a divorce a few years ago. I have two beautiful children from that marriage. After that divorce I was lost, not any real direction at all. I met and fell in love with a woman at my work a year after, she also had two children from a past relationship.…

God will renew me…

I believe God will renew me for the next work he is preparing to do through me. I serve as a pastor of a small rural Baptist church near Sioux Falls. I have listened to KTIS and its affiliates since I was a little girl more than five decades ago. Thank you for your GREAT programming on 1270 AM. Christ bless you all for your ministry. –…

He is always with me…

I struggle like most people, I ask God what do you want me to see/gain from this situation when things seem to be more than I can handle…I have learned through a difficult season in 2012 that He is always with me and I am amazed how much throughout a single day how I am continuously in constant communication with God…it is…

Blessed to be part of the church family…

I grew up going to our local church with my grandparents, however, living with my parents, they didn’t support a Christian lifestyle. I went to church on Sundays with my grandparents and began to believe in the Lord. During the rest of the week, I went to school and walked my own path. This continued once I graduated high school,…

Learning to completely trust…

While I have come to truly believe that “the gospel… is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes”, it has been harder for me to trust that God will keep me. I think that in recognizing our sinfulness we (well, at least me at times!) sometimes lose our belief that God doesn’t just save us, but also wants us to trust enough…

I’m believing God…

I’m believing God to give me a healthy normal child at the end of my pregnancy. I have a son who has special needs and I often have questions and doubts about how he will make it in life. But I’m believing God to do in my son’s life, things, exceedingly, abundantly above all that I ask or think. I’m believing God…

My heart, soul & mind are strengthened…

I listen regularly and my heart, soul and mind are strengthened beyond description. All day from Ted/PK to Dobson at dinner time. The programming encourages me, gives me wisdom, illuminates God’s Word and comforts me. It has made me laugh and even cry precious tears as I hear God’s word from so many teachers. I have Christian…

My faith in God has kept me strong…

I thank God for each new day that he gives and use it as an opportunity to live, as he would have us live. I also give up control of my own life to God and trust that he has the perfect plan for me. Most of all, I have worked for the same company for 28 yrs and through those years there have been many layoffs which I have survived only by the grace…

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Dr. Michael Rydelnik


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