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Your Stories

Encouragement throughout the day…

I love listening to your station when I’m in the car driving to and from work. Gives me so much encouragement throughout the day. What a blessing you are! You are like family to me!  Have a blessed day! – Becky C. from Twin Cities Do you have a testimony or story you’d like to share? Share your story here.…

Through brokenness, faith…

[Faith Radio] has helped me. At the time I was divorced and broken relationships afterwards, it brought me closer to God to really know and understand who I am. When I am feeling down, I turn on the radio station and it brings me out of the darkness into the light. It has made me a stronger Christ-centered woman who was able to go back to…

A really tough year…

I just started listening to Faith Radio recently this month and the work of different ministries I hear each night made a big impact to my life and my walk in Christ all over again. 2013 had been a really tough overcoming year for me. I had been looking for a new job since I had gotten out of college. After failing to find a job after graduation,…

Lending faith through a bread truck…

When I used to live in Minnesota & western Wisconsin my lovely & gracious wife Brenda and I would listen to Faith 900 am, or KTIS FM. From doing daycare to foster care we were hooked on Christ. Over the years I would buy CD’s from the radio preachers and listen to them while driving a bread truck. I would lend sets to people.…


Search for missing son leads to faith…

My name is Dave Moore and I am the author of “The Father’s Love”, a story of my cross-country search for my missing son David and how I found my faith in God. I wrote this story to tell the world about the frantic search for my missing son and the complete transformation of my family because of the miracle working power…

Struggling with loss of my father…

God speaks to me each day through your station...I am also struggling with the loss of my father. Some of his last words were to believe in yourself and I'm ready to see Jesus. This is very comforting, yet I still miss him a lot.

Reminder of God’s faithfulness…

For the past seven months, ever since I started my first “big girl job” right out of college, I’ve listened to Faith Radio in the mornings and afternoons during my work commute. Through the challenges and frustrations of a long, slow commute to a new and overwhelming job, Faith Radio has filled my days with grace.…

In the midst of all the storms…

I pray every day, and read the Bible almost every day. I listen to Faith 900 regularly to keep me focused on God and always learning more about God’s Word. On a bad day I will also put a CD of my favorite praise songs in the car player and sing it out–loud!–while I drive around. No matter the hardship or the heartbreak,…

From fear to faith…

I live by faith… daily and sometimes minute by minute. My husband in the last two years was involved in an auto accident that the doctors said should have taken his life. On Valentine’s Day of this year he suffered a stroke that 78% of the people who have this type stroke don’t survive (it is known as the widow maker…

God DOES keep His promises…

I believe that God loved us SO MUCH that He brought Jesus Christ into this world to save us from our sins and that by believing Jesus Christ was crucified and died for us, we are saved and are joined in God’s family. God DOES keep His promises and He has shown me many times His love and goodness. He has answered many of my prayers but…

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Evening Programs

The Voice of the Martyrs

Todd Nettleton

Emmanuel Today

Nate Ruch


Dr. Jim Burns

First Person

Wayne Shepherd

The Dr. Linda Mintle Show

Dr. Linda Mintle

Open Line (Replay)

Dr. Michael Rydelnik



The Dr. Linda Mintle Show

Dr. Linda Mintle
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