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Spiritual Growth

Sacred pathways

Does the idea of sitting quietly with a devotional seem hard for you? Maybe you connect with God more through worship music, or time outdoors. Listen as Susie talks with author and speaker Gary Thomas about Sacred Pathways. We’re going to look at how God wired each of us to connect with Him in a deep and meaningful way. Key Scriptures:…

Susie Larson


When life knocks you over

There are times in life when it feels like everyone, and everything, is against you. Your efforts to live an obedient and fruitful life blow up in your face. Today Susie talks again with pastor James Merritt. James knows firsthand how difficult it can be to stand up when life knocks you down, but we talk about how to trust Christ and get…

Susie Larson



The discipline of solitude

Can we, like Elijah, discover God’s presence in the ‘still, small voice’? Tune in as author Ruth Haley Barton, founding president of the Transforming Center, will lead us on a journey to experience God in our everyday lives through solitude and silence.  Preaching and teaching are not enough to meet God fully… We’ll discover…




What does it mean to be an ambassador for Christ?  How do we best represent the Christian faith to others who don’t share our convictions?  Apologist and speaker Greg Koukl will show us how to go on the offensive without being offensive, to use curiosity instead of confrontation, as we talk TACTICS: A GAME PLAN FOR DISCUSSING YOUR…


Following Jesus can remake your world

In this special Best Of edition, Dr. Bill Maier talks with author Jedd Medefind about his book Upended: How Following Jesus Remakes Your Word and Your World. Jedd Medefind also discusses some things he has come to understand through his work with Christian Alliance for Orphans. Following Jesus brings change to your life…

Dr. Bill Maier


The Theory of Desirable Difficulty

There are a handful of authors that I have been so consistently impressed by that I feel compelled to read whatever they produce.  In fiction, there’s C.J. Sansom.  In terms of business or leadership, there’s Jim Collins. And in a genre of writing hard to describe is Malcolm Gladwell.  His typical approach is to popularize research,…



Radical faith

Two noted pastors and writers join us on the Tuesday edition of Connecting Faith with a call to discipleship and a call to balance.  David Platt has followed up his best-selling book RADICAL with the latest FOLLOW ME.  We’ll discuss what it really means to be a follower of Jesus. Then pastor and writer Kevin DeYoung talks about finding…


Prayer in a word: intimacy

Here’s a typical scenario. The morning alarm goes off—for the third time. You know that you can’t hit the snooze alarm again. You are already late. Something in your morning routine will have to go. Although you know you shouldn’t, you decide that you just don’t have time for your morning devotion of prayer and Bible reading.…


My umbrella: when structure gets between me and God

Weather in Minnesota is funny; at least it’s funny if you’re not the Meteorologist.  Often times in the spring, the sky will look so beautiful and clear in the morning that you just can’t imagine there’s going to be a drop of rain.  These are the most deceiving days, and ones in which I would cringe when telling people they might want…


Are you living a surrendered life?

Following Christ means living a radical life of surrender – in other words, being all in. Susie talks with pastor Mark Batterson of National Community Church, author of In A Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day and New York Times bestseller The Circle Maker. We’ll explore what it means to follow Christ no matter what the cost. Key Scriptures:…

Susie Larson


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