When Sandy Ralya’s marriage was in trouble, she walked into church each Sunday morning desperate for help, but not daring to ask for it because everyone else’s marriage seemed so perfect. Her life appeared beautiful on the outside, but on the inside it was a mess.

Over time, Sandy turned to God by reading the Bible and prayer and sought guidance from trusted friends, godly mentors and wise Christian counselors. What she learned transformed her life and then God did an amazing work in her marriage. The loving support that Sandy received from other women on her own journey inspired her to become the founder and director of Beautiful Womanhood, a Christian marriage mentoring ministry for wives.

Sandy’s marriage testimony was the focus of a popular 3-day interview on Family Life Today, TV’s Walking by Faith and Time Out for Women. She has been a sought-after speaker at women’s classes, events, and conferences around the United States and Canada, and she has led Beautiful Womanhood marriage seminars throughout the United States, and Uganda, Africa.

Since the year 2000, thousands of women have been directly impacted by hearing Sandy speak, attending Beautiful Womanhood small groups led by marriage mentors, and applying the Beautiful Womanhood marriage mentoring curriculum.

That seminar is now a powerful curriculum–The Beautiful Wife, The Beautiful Wife Prayer Journal, and the Beautiful Wife Mentor’s Guide–all of which are available from Kregel Publications. The books have been praised by bestselling author Shaunti Feldhahn as “an incredible resource that every woman needs.”

Sandy and her husband Tom have been married since 1980 and live near Grand Rapids, Michigan. They have three adult children and a growing number of grandchildren. When not writing and speaking, Sandy enjoys shopping at yard sales for vintage clothing, cooking, traveling, and drinking really good coffee (black is best) with her husband.

For more information, contact Sandy at sandy@beautifulwomanhood.com or subscribe to Sandy’s blog at www.beautifulwomanhood.com/blog. Like Sandy on Facebook at www.facebook.com/BeautifulWomanhood. Follow Sandy on Twitter @MentoringWives.