Garry Ingraham is the founder and director of Love & Truth Network, a ministry that equips Christian leaders of 1) Churches, 2) secular campus ministries and 3) Christian educational institutions in the area of relational & sexual brokenness.
Prior to launching Love & Truth Network, he served as the pastor of Soul-Care Ministries, working on a pastoral team of a large church in upstate NY for twelve years.
Garry also serves as the director of Transforming Congregations, a renewal ministry formed in 1988 by a group of Methodist pastors who were deeply concerned about the growing impact of sexual brokenness, confusion about identity and human sexuality, and the great need for The United Methodist Church to develop an effective equipping ministry, promoting both radical love and solid scriptural truth.
Garry is married to Melissa Ingraham (LMHC). They are the parents of two amazing young boys. They are based in Phoenix, AZ and serve to promote relational & sexual wholeness through a variety of teaching, preaching and ministry opportunities across the country.