What does your best destiny look like?

Wintley Phipps says we can’t get too caught up in impact, but instead focus on faithfulness.

“Golden moments are moments of destiny when blessings come to you and opportunities come at just the right moment. You know your steps just came at the right moment, to meet the right people at the right time.”

Those instances of destiny are the moments for which we were created, but they aren’t the reason for which we were created. Wintley explains in his book,  .

“The reason we were created is to grow every day, to resemble, reflect, and reveal the character of God.”

These golden moments are opportunities for Christians to glorify God by displaying the characteristics of His Son, Jesus Christ. But these destiny moments are only meaningful in God’s eyes if our thoughts, words, and deeds reflect that of Jesus Christ.

Even if we accomplish some of the greatest destiny moments possible, like curing cancer or winning a championship in professional sports, it means nothing if our character does not resemble Jesus.

“When He looks at us, He is not impressed with those golden moments of destiny simply because creates those moments without even thinking. He’s looking to see how much and how closely we resemble His Son.”

Are you living out your destiny moments without resembling the character of His Son in your heart? Ask God to reveal ways that you can renew your dedication to following Christ with your whole heart.

Key Scriptures: Jeremiah 29:11; Psalm 69

Featured Songs: Press On by Mandisa; No Longer Slaves by Bethel Music; Blameless by Dara Maclean

Highlight : Resembling Jesus is more important than “golden moments”

Your best destiny