Are you walking a wilderness season, or are you feeling close to God? In this interview, author and speaker Dee Brestin helps us unpack the three stages of intimacy in a love relationship:

•  First Lovel
•  Wilderness love
•  Invincible love

Are you walking through the ‘first love’ stage of your relationship with God? Dee describes it as a “puppy love.” In her words, you wake up thinking, “Something wonderful is going on in my life… It’s Jesus. He’s real… He may intervene in my day.” As Mary did, you’re eager to sit at Jesus’ feet and hang on His every word. Dee cautions those in this season of life to not be surprised or saddened when trials come… don’t lose your passion for Jesus when you encounter suffering as a new Christian.

Many Christians then enter the wilderness season – when God seems far away or silent. Dee and Susie point out that God often uses this season to train us for a future calling. When our prayers seem to bounce off the ceiling, just remember,

“Look at the cross. God’s ways are not our ways.” Jesus’ time in the wilderness prepared Him for ministry, for opposition, and for His death and resurrection. Remember God’s sovereignty and purpose, which He will accomplish through our obedience in every season.

Have you walked with the Lord for a long time? Dee suggests that you might be in the stage of ‘invincible love.’ In this season, you have a history with God. You’ve seen His faithfulness and love evidenced in your life, and you can say with Job, “Though He slay me, yet I will praise Him.”

Dee and Susie encourage us to “lean” on God in every season, and trust His heart. Every Christian is walking in a season, and by walking with Him and with each other, we can learn and be fruitful in each stage of life.

Key Scriptures: Song of Songs 4:7Revelation 2:2-5Song of Solomon (Song of Songs)

Theme Song: Arise, My Love by Newsong

Highlight : A love relationship with God

A love relationship with God

Image: Flickr