No one is too broken or fearful for God to use. Listen as Susie talks with Women of Faith speaker Angie Smith, wife of Selah’s Todd Smith. We look at the ways God uses broken, imperfect vessels to show His love and glory to the world. Angie’s books include I Will Carry You, What Women Fear, and Chasing God.

In Angie’s book Mended: Pieces of a Life Made Whole, she details her own struggles with showing her weakness. One night not long after the death of her daughter Audrey, she felt led by God to pick up a vase, take it outside, and smash it at her feet.

“I stood there on my front porch, and I stood there in the pieces and thought ‘what next?’ I felt like He just said, ‘Now I want you to put them back together again.’ It took a while, and while I was doing it, it sort of became a symbol of my life.” Angie recalls her prayer to God. “I have all these pieces, I’ve messed up so many things, and I have such an imperfect life to offer You.” At the end of the night, the vase was glued back together but the cracks and gaps were evident. God spoke to her again, gently. “That’s how people see Me. That’s how the light of Me comes through – it’s the cracks.”

Angie encourages those who are acutely aware of their own shortcomings – God can still use you. “It sounds so trite, but the power of grace is incomprehensible… walk in the forgiveness of Christ. I hope that all of us can walk in a constant reminder of the way that we all have been forgiven. Know that God loves you and who you are becoming and He walks with you in that.” As Susie says, He uses us on Monday knowing we’re going to mess up on Tuesday, because only then can He get all the praise and credit for what we’ve done.

Key Scriptures:  John 20:24-292 Corinthians 4:6-71 John 4:16

Theme Song: You Deliver Me by Selah

Highlight : Mended


This program has been previously aired.