As Christians we are set free by Christ, but what does that really mean? More often than not, we don’t feel free so why does Scripture say that we are?

Pastor Noel Heikkinen, author of  , says that being free doesn’t mean we don’t wrestle with our flesh. It does means that we are free to make the choice whether or not we follow our fleshly desires. While we are still struggling with sin on earth, we are already seated in heavenly places with Christ.

Listen to the conversation here.

Several of our other guests this week on Live the Promise shared some of the ways we are free as a result of what Christ has done.

Wait without worry

We are free to wait on God without worry. Peter and Carolyn Haas explained that worry doesn’t actually make sense because more often than not, the things we worry about don’t actually come to pass. Peter Haas says that in his experience, even when the things he worried about did happen to come to pass, he always looked back at those moments and could see how God used them for good.

Listen to the conversation here.

Peace with God and others

As a result of what Christ has done on the cross for us, we are free to have peace with God. Audrey Meisner, author of  , says that one of the most common things that keep us from having peace with God is our belief that he is at least slightly disappointed with us. She says that even on our worst day, God is not disappointed with us. He loves us more than we will ever know on earth.

Listen to the conversation here.

Free to be humble

Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley joined the program to talk about the importance of each spouse accepting the influence of their partner in marriage. They say that this act of humility will always lead to greater marital intimacy. However, this can often be difficult, especially for those who struggle with admitting that they can be wrong. Fortunately, Christ was perfect for us so that we don’t have to try to maintain the illusion that we are perfect. When we give up trying to be perfect it makes it easier to allow our spouses to speak into our lives.

Listen to the conversation here.