What threatens your faith? We know we have an Enemy who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy, but how does he actually go about it?

This week on Live the Promise, some of our guests shared several things that can threaten our faith if we let them.


Jennifer Kennedy Dean, author of  , says that fear is one of the most common things that derails faith. We all have fears and often times they feel more real than anything else in life. However, Scripture tells us that fear isn’t just an emotion, it’s a spirit from Satan himself. Jennifer says that instead of letting our fears derail our faith, we should let our faith tame our worries.

Listen to the conversation here.

Children rejecting the faith

Statistics show those of the millennial generation are leaving the church in droves. This leaves their parents wondering where it all went wrong. Alex McFarland, co-author of  , explains that one of the most faith-shaking experiences a parent go through is to have their child walk away from the faith. Often times parents feel completely responsible for their child’s rejection. However, Alex says that isn’t always the case. Sometimes, parents do everything they can and their children still reject the faith. He urges parents to trust God and use this season that can threaten their faith to strengthen it instead.

Listen to the conversation here.

Believing lies

Greg Koukl says that another way our faith is derailed is when we believe the lie that we can’t actually know truth. People often say that what’s truth for us, isn’t true for them. However, Greg says that truth isn’t really as fluid as our culture often makes it out to be. The Word of God is our plumb line. It is our reality and Greg says we can test anything we are told with Scripture to determine if it lines up with reality.

Listen to the conversation here.

Misunderstanding God’s love

Kevin Butcher, the author of , says our faith can be threatened when we don’t rightly understand just how much God loves us. Kevin says that God’s love for us is actually the foundation of our relationship with Him and our relationship with anyone else. We love we because God first loved us. Once our life is grounded in God’s love for us, our faith flourishes and we are better equipped to love those around us as well.

Listen to the conversation here.