Does it really matter if I don’t forgive someone?

Stu Epperson Jr. says that for the believer, forgiveness is not an option, and for good reason.

“It breaks my heart how many issues of unforgiveness there are among believers. I know people that claim to be believers that can’t stand the sight of each other, they won’t go near each other. If they go into the same room, they’ll sit in opposite ends and they will not speak to each other. How can the love of Christ dwell in me if I say I love God and I hate my brother?”

Not only is it wrong in a spiritual sense to harbor unforgiveness, it’s also hazardous to our health.

“Statistic after statistic bears this out. Mental trauma, physical trauma, even cancer can result from unforgiveness. Scientists and doctors alike agree that unresolved conflict in your life, this stress, this anxiety, all of these unresolved issues are causing the expanse of cancer and the anxiety ridden life is going to lead to worse health.”

Over and over again, it has been found that those who resolve their unforgiveness see a positive outcome in their overall health.

“Scientists have proven, not just anecdotally that those who find resolution, those that find peace, forgiveness, and wholeness, they actually find better health, it’s just remarkable.”

Science is finally catching up with Scripture, and finding the very same conclusions. Jesus Christ had to right from the very beginning on the cross.

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32

Stu says that forgiveness is fundamentally Christian.

“So to be a Christian means to be a forgiven one, but it also means to be a perpetually forgiving one. Don’t we need that grace with each other, in our families, in our marriages? We find it right there at the cross of Christ.”

Stu Epperson Jr. is the founder and president of The Truth Network, with radio stations across North Carolina, central Iowa, and Salt Lake City. In his spare time, Stu hosts his own nationally syndicated show Truth Talk Live. He also coaches and mentors others through the game of basketball. His passion is that all people everywhere will experience truth.

Key Scripture: Philippians 3:10

Featured Scriptures: One True God – Steven Curtis Chapman; Made New – Lincoln Brewster; Love Broke Through – Toby Mac

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