“It’s far too easy to presume upon God and go on autopilot when it comes to our commitments. We reason that since God first led us to this place, it’s okay for us to give away one yes after another without thinking too much about it. And when we suddenly hit a wall of burnout, we wonder how it happened.” – An excerpt from  .

The author of Ecclesiastes tells us that there is a time and season for everything under heaven. Our callings have different seasons; if we’re not careful we’ll over-commit and decide to do more than God intends. Instead, Susie encourages each of us to be teachable, flexible and interruptible when it comes to listening to the Holy Spirit.

“We need to not underestimate the power of the nudge – the nudge of the Holy Spirit within us.”

We can’t assume that we are meant to stay in any one place of situation indefinitely. God will show us our next step.

“We so quickly get our marching orders from God… and then we go on autopilot. But that’s where we can lose our way. When we disengage our faith, we are desensitized to His voice.”

When God calls us to something, we have three choices.

1. We can choose to stay too long; long after He’s told us we should go. The grace starts to lift, the winds of change blow, but we’re not paying attention. We can get weary and disillusioned. We can get cynical and we blame God for it.

2. We can choose to leave too soon. The situation gets hard and we get out. We feel unsure, inferior in our faith and insecure in our identity. We are often left wondering how we missed God.

3. We can choose to pursue wisdom.

Psalm 90:12 says, “Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

‘Number’, as used in this psalm, is translated to mean to reckon, to appoint, to prepare, to anoint the day.

Susie and her husband learned early on how to be grateful for every moment. After her battle with Lyme’s disease and her husband’s cancer diagnosis, they choose to use each day to the fullest. Susie calls that season “one of the greatest gifts to our marriage.”

How do you number your days?

How do you engage your heart and mind to follow God’s nudge in your life?

You are living and breathing today because God has a purpose for you. You’re living and breathing today because He has an assignment for you.

“Your first and foremost assignment is to be much with Him and walk intimately with Him. And then, do the next thing He says.”

Key Scriptures: Psalm 90:12; John 21; Romans 12:1

Featured Songs: Spirit of the Living God by Meredith Andrews; We Fall Down by Steven Curtis Chapman; Not For a Moment by Meredith Andrews

Say 'yes' to necessary change and divine momentum