Have you ever had to step out of your comfort zone to make a big change in your life?
That’s exactly what Christina did as she set out to climb over 50 mountains to overcome her eating disorder. It was far from the ordinary recovery process, but for Christina, it had extraordinary results. Of course, anything worth fighting for can be just that, a fight.
“It was very hard, and I wanted to quit numerous times, but I knew I had to push myself like I hadn’t before, and I knew I was doing something that gave me life. I thought if I could make it through this that I can make it through anything. So, it was really trusting God to keep opening doors for me to make sure that I could go through it and I just I did it.”
But it was the struggle that allowed Christina to start healing process.
“There were multiple times where I just didn’t know if I was going to make it, but it really taught me to see food as fuel, and that was a breakthrough for me because food was only a good or bad thing that made me fat or skinny, and that’s all it did for me. So now, I had to eat if I wanted to do this journey – if I wanted to climb fifty five mountains before the winter came.“
Christina reminds us that recovery is a process and sometimes it’s one step forward and two steps back.
“My first mountain was kind of an epic fail, and I actually didn’t climb it, and it was because I was under packed because I had that thought maybe I can do it and I can still lose ten pounds and finally have that perfect body. It was like, here’s your wake up. You you have to eat and feel good. If you’re going to climb any of these you have to have the right fuel the right amount of calories and you had to put food in your mouth.”