Is your recovery rooted in Jesus or is it just behavior modification? Do you know what God wants for your life when you get sober? George explains,

“How can you keep God’s commands if you don’t know what they are? I always say start reading the book of John. I’m not stopping a behavior, I want to be Christ-like.”

George encourages us to ask yourself, is this action God-honoring?

“We have recovery people going to bars doing everything they used to do but they’re not drinking. And they say ‘I’m doing great!’ No you’re not.”

“When you make a decision to turn your will and life over to the care of God, you’re supposed to be God-like, and you need to know the commandments and you need to know what He requires of you.”

David Carlson offers this advice for those who are struggling with addiction.  the way he was and how to take the first, right step in asking for help:

“Reach out. The enemy’s age-old strategy is to divide and conquer, and he does that through isolation. So, if you’re sitting there feeling sorry for yourself, call somebody.

Recovery from addiction is not a solo activity.

“There’s a lot of things you can get plugged in to. I didn’t realize that every day there was something good to do. I just drank myself into tomorrow because I didn’t know what my options were. There are things you can do today.”

“Start with calling somebody, whether that’s a friend or a sponsor or family, but don’t sit there drinking alone into tomorrow. What if the phone feels like it weights 2,000 pounds, so to speak? With man it’s impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

David also encourages everyone to pray step 11 every day,

“Grant me knowledge of your will for me and the courage to carry it out.”

Making the Call