Short, but sweet. Simple, and to the point. I like directions that are easy to comprehend, and easy to follow. As a parent, I find it useful and time-saving to teach in short and simple terms. Our God, in His infinite wisdom (especially knowing our limited comprehension), often uses direct instructions with a clear meaning; for example: “honor your father and mother” or “do not fear.”

Yet Jesus also taught in parables with hidden meanings, that He then had to explain in simpler terms. Those parables have a point and teach a valuable lesson. They lead us to ponder and evaluate our own lives; our thoughts and actions, in light of God’s Word.

For parents who desire to follow godly principles and teach their children using simple and clear instructions (that don’t require further explanation) here’s a verse to consider:
“He has shown you O man,
what is good
And what does The Lord require of you but to do justly
To love mercy
And to walk humbly with your God?”
Micah 6:8

These are short, simple, and direct instructions; and words to live by everyday!
Do- justly
Love- mercy
Walk- humbly with your God

However, as I thought more about this Scripture – I began to reflect on my ways, and about what God is calling me to do. This is not a glorious-do-something-big-for-God-and-His kingdom plan. It simply instructs us to do the little things we are called to do everyday, and to do them well. Like raising children.

As a parent, I often look to God for guidance and wisdom. There are loads of passages on wisdom in the Bible, but what better blueprint for parents (who desire to be godly parents, raising and loving their children well, to the best of their God-given abilities) – than these simple but profound words found in Micah? Words that we can heed anytime, anywhere, any place!

If we follow these instructions every day, amidst the “dailyness” of life- what ripple effect would it leave on our children, family, friends, neighbors, and even strangers? What a wonderful example it sets for our children, demonstrating how to live an obedient life that glorifies God, even in the small things. Especially in the small things! Now that’s a wave that flows over the earth into Heaven!

This world tells us we must do big things, grand things, in order to be seen, noticed, heard, appreciated valued or esteemed- but not our God. He just wants us to be faithful in the little things. Everyday.

Those “little things” that may seem to be small, mundane, and ordinary, but in the eyes of The Lord are big things- great things!

Daily “little things” like-
-changing a baby’s diaper
-getting up in the middle of the night to care for your child
-doing dishes and laundry for the gazillionth time that week
-reading a book to your child
-trying to get a busy toddler to nap
-hugs and kisses to fix the “ow-ees”
-making meals for your family
-helping your child with homework
-disciplining your child- no matter where you are or how loud your child is screaming!
… and countless other seemingly little things that parents do every single day! (i.e. that “little” act of getting a drink of water for your child!)

A parent who gets their child a drink of water at bedtime (when they are more than ready for bed themselves), does justly, shows mercy, and walks humbly; putting aside their own desire to plop down on the couch, while tending to their child’s needs. Getting a cup of water for your child is not a big thing in the eyes of the world – it does not get you a raise, a pat on the back, your name in lights, (or for those motivated by food- even a cookie!), or much of an applause.
But the things we do for God in this world seldom lead to worldly accolades.

For we are not required to do those big things which the world perceives to be of great importance- we are called to be obedient to our God.

To do justly – what He is asking us to do each and every day, with fairness, honesty, integrity.
To love mercy – showing our families grace, mercy, forgiveness and love, in the midst of doing the little things.
To walk humbly with Him – putting God and others first, laying aside our pride or selfishness, and serving in the example of Jesus- humbling ourselves to lift others up.

It is by being faithful in the little things, in the small and seemingly insignificant moments in life, that we lay the foundation for our children. It is through our obedience to God that we can live out His blueprint for our lives. That is what is required of us, and it is good.