Lasting change takes time. It’s one step forward and two steps back, so how do you keep from getting discouraged? As Bill says the key is in whose strength you are relying on.
“When you have a strength inside that circumstances can’t alter, that’s when you’re going to be able to move out in his strength.”
George talks about where true change comes from, and what to do when there’s a setback in your journey.
“The desire to change comes from God. We’re conditional, and if it’s not working, or we don’t think it’s going to work, then we just say, ‘I’m not doing it.'”
“The people that succeed, they get through the tough times, and there are going to be tough times.”
“So, if you’re listening out there and you hit the wall and you messed up, here’s the deal: you didn’t wreck it. Ask for forgiveness, get back up, call somebody, get some help, pray to God, ‘What can I do to change this?'”
“The enemy is going to tell you, ‘No, now you did it. You never could do it and it’s not going to work.'”
Tonight’s guest knows something about true, lasting change. Dr. Les Green, went from being kicked out of school and going to jail to helping others who were like him and earning his PhD. He share’s his own insight into moving forward when change is tough.
“The enemy’s always got a solution for you, you have to understand that, it’s not the right solution, but God’s got a different solution: dust yourself off and let’s take another run at this.”
Dr. Green sums it up well in saying,
Change that lasts“Hang on to the anchor point that’s inside…it’s not supposed to be easy, it’s supposed to be worth it.”