As she lay on the cold, hard floor, slipping in and out of consciousness, she looked around at a room that was only vaguely familiar. How had she gotten here and why couldn’t she keep her eyes open? Why did her body feel like it was weighted down with hundreds of bricks? Thoughts flashed through her mind. She remembered a man, the one who had been willing to pay her asking price. She remembered his breath reeking of alcohol, but that was ok because the $75.00 he promised to pay would take care of her overdue electric bill. Now, she lay in the middle of a nasty bathroom floor. What had he given her? The pill was supposed to make her feel good and forget her pain. Was this what it felt like to be dead? All she was doing was trying to make a few dollars, so she could keep her electric on. It was the middle of winter, and her babies needed heat.

Oh God, the kids, where were they? Did she leave them with the neighbor? She couldn’t remember where she left her babies! As tears began to roll down her face, she thought about her own childhood. Her mom was always drugged. Her dad, a drunk, had left one day when she was 8 years old, never to be seen again. Her mom had brought home man after man when her dad left. Some of those men had their way with her as soon as her mom passed out every night. When she turned 16 years old, she had finally had enough of those nasty men pawing all over her every time they got a chance. After packing a small bag of belongings and leaving that place of torture,
she began prostituting herself out to men. She became pregnant with her first child at the age of 20, the second at the age of 23. She had no idea who their fathers were. How was she any better than her own mother? This was the only life she knew, and was certainly no life for her children. Oh, her babies deserved so much more!

There had been a man she had met a couple of weeks ago, he seemed like a good man. He called himself an evangelist. The evangelist had declined to pay her price, but had treated her to lunch and conversation. No other man ever treated her with that respect. He had told her about someone who could help her. What was his name? She couldn’t make her brain work. She felt so foggy! What was the man’s name who could make everything new? Oh, how she needed to be able to pick herself up off this cold, hard floor, and go home to her babies! The evangelist had told her all she had to do was call on his name, his name was Jesus! The evangelist explained for her to be saved, she must believe in Jesus and his death on a cross, confess his father God as her Lord and Savior, ask forgiveness of her sins, and invite him into her heart. She had nothing to lose. She was rock bottom. She was literally half dead. How had she ever let herself get this far? She heard of this Jesus many years ago, back when the church bus used to take her to a local church for the mid-week service. This was the only night each week it was possible to escape from the turmoil at home. At the time, she only half listened as the youth pastor told them about this Jesus. She was just happy to be out of her house for the evening. The church had become a refuge that one day a week. Any place was better than home.

She knew she needed someone to help. Everyone had let her down in life, and it was hard for her to trust. Out of desperation, she began to cry out, ” Jesus, Jesus.” In that moment with what strength she could muster, she began to call out to the only one who could save her. Without God, death was certain. Surely he would give her a chance. She had been told that he was a loving, forgiving, and gentle God. Could he forgive her, or would he let her down too?

Scarlett sat straight up in bed with sweat rolling off her forehead. Her heart was racing. She thought about her dream, the dream of her past. That seemed like ages ago, so much had changed in the last few years. She looked over at her husband sleeping peacefully beside her. She knew her daughters were safe right down the hall. Life couldn’t be better. On that awful night 5 years ago, she had invited God into her heart, and he had made her new. God had sent her a husband who loved her for who she was and did not condemn her for who she had been. She had a home, a career. Her children were safe and cared for. They wanted for nothing. Life was good, finally after many years, she was truly happy. She would never have to return to that place again! Scarlett would love to be able to thank the evangelist who had spoken the truth into her life.

She closed her eyes and began to pray, ” Lord, thank you for the redemption and mercy that you extended to me that night 5 years ago.” ” Please help, and guide me as I try to help those on the same path so that they too find the same redemption and mercy extended to me.”

Tomorrow, Scarlett would hit the streets once again in search of those who needed that same Savior she had already found. The dreams of the past, that Satan tempted her with would not deter the hope to be brought to others.