“When God whispered His promise to us in the past, He’s already seen it in its full fulfillment. So when He does that, all we have to do is align our life.”
What does it mean to envision the victory in your story?
It’s not a name-it-and-claim-it philosophy. It’s about choosing to trust that God has already won in your ministry and marriage. When God gives you a vision, He will fulfill it in His timing.
Greg and Julie Gorman were in a tough season. They had moved three times in eleven months and were growing weary of the process. God was leading them to ministry but they had many questions and doubts about how it was going to work. Julie wanted more clarity.
“I remember [asking God] ‘Why couldn’t you have called us to do this when we had X amount of dollars coming in?’ What God showed in that season was that if we would have done it in that timing, we would have thought we were something. But God was bringing us to a place where He wanted to show that He was going to do it.”
Instead of answering their questions, God led them to a place of dependence and asked them to trust Him. Julie wrestled with the size of the vision God had given them.
“God gave us a huge promise and that promise… at first it was overwhelming.”
Where would they start? How would the future look? Greg and Julie purposed to pray together and trust God’s leading while they waited. They started to dream about what they would do as a company when their ministry was up and running. In God’s timing, things shifted and started falling into place. Greg and Julie were prepared for the harvest when God started expanding their influence. When you read God’s Word, and start to claim His promises for your life, He will do what He’s purposed in your life to do. For Julie, it’s a very simple process. God will show you the road one piece at a time.
You can read more in Greg and Julie’s book, .
Key Scriptures: Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Featured Songs: Learning to Love by Consumed by Fire; Breathe by Johnny Diaz; Diamonds by Hawk Nelson