Highlight: Fasting from busyness

In the midst of a fast-paced, task-oriented culture, we need to take time rest. Without it, we can’t be who God wants us to be for those we love the most.

Dr. Troy Spurrill from the Synapse Center for Health and Healing outlines the importance of recovering through rest.

“The reality is the body is very much defined by our mental, chemical, and physical well-being and our intentions sometimes don’t line up with our capabilities as far as just keeping things functioning together.”

No matter how hard we try, we can’t continue down a path that isn’t healthy, we will only get worse. Even those who love to sacrifice and accomplish things to build others up need to take breaks.

“One reality is that people who are in service and constantly support people, there’s a point where you can get to the point of self-sacrificing too much. The reality is for you to do what you’re meant to do for everyone, beyond just today, you need the best of you around, and your body needs time to recuperate.”

While we are called to fast from food, we are also called to fast from the busyness of our lives as well.

“Biblically we know when we fast that’s recuperation; we are meant to fast from our food, but also our lifestyle.”

“When Jesus was walking through the desert, those journeys we read about in the Bible, we read those stories like it was a moment, but the reality is that was weeks and months. They walked and talked with each other, they reflected and they got alone time to pray and walk and we don’t get that nowadays. The reality is there’s healing behind that, when you connect with God and you don’t have the lifestyle all around you, there’s healing in that.”

Dr. Troy Spurrill is the CEO and founder of Synapse: A Center For Health and Healing. He received a Bachelor’s of Science in Molecular Biology from the University of Manitoba and a Doctor of Chiropractic from Northwestern Health Sciences University, and has extensive training in Functional Neurology, Functional medicine, Nutrition, and Applied Kinesiology.

Health and Healing Hour 1
Also on this edition of Live the Promise
Health and Healing Hour 2