He hung next to Jesus, and experienced infinite grace. Listen as Faith Radio programmer Colin Smith of Unlocking the Bible joins Susie to talk about what we can learn from the thief on the cross.
Pastor Colin calls the story of the thief the “clearest, most compelling” account in Scripture of how the gospel can transform a life.
“He can’t go live a new life, he can’t turn over a new leaf, he’s in a hopeless position… except for reaching out to Jesus. Salvation comes by faith, through grace, through Christ alone and it doesn’t arise from our performance.”
What do we know?
• The thief died after Jesus. The thief heard every word that Jesus spoke on the cross. Every dark moment, up to the final shout of triumph.
• He was hurling insults at Jesus for much of his time on the cross.
• He discerned that Jesus was a king and offered an “audacious” request for salvation.
• He became aware of his own sinfulness and recognized that Jesus the King was also Jesus the Savior.
“The human mind and heart have a bias away from God and truth; it’s only when there’s an enlightenment by the Holy Spirit that the gospel begins to work its transforming power. We have to come to a place of confessing our sin toward God, casting ourselves on the mercy of Christ and believing Him when He says that He will do this. It’s the right response to coming to see who Jesus is.
Whoever you are, whatever you have done, if you come in faith to Jesus Christ you will not be cast away. No one should ever be in the position of saying ‘I’ve sinned too far.'”
Key Scriptures: Romans 1:16; Luke 23:26-49; Ephesians 2:8-9
Theme Song: Finally Home by Jeremy Camp
Highlight : Today is the day of salvation
How a thief came to faith in Jesus
This program has been previously aired.