Life is full of obligations that can steal our joy and wear us down, while we do things that deter us away from receiving the best. Connecting Faith host, Neil Stavem, welcomes speaker, best-selling author and Faith Radio’s Live The Promise host, Susie Larson to discuss finding God’s best for us every day. Listen in as we discuss her latest book  .

“Nothing drains us more than signing up for things that God doesn’t ask us to do”

Who or what are you consistently saying ‘yes’ to? The world tells us to run hard and seek things that are satisfying to the flesh, but detrimental to the spirit. Susie reminded us that if we aren’t aware of this truth, we can end up running a race that God never asked us to run. Our decision-making ends up costing us our time and becomes a financial burden, rather than a blessing. She offered wise, biblical advice for embracing God’s best through discernment, awareness and surrender.

“His will for you is your best case scenario”

Susie mentioned how important it is to ‘discern the difference that drains and the abundance that trains’. Instead of following the pathway to our own selfish desires, we are to allow God to determine our steps and fulfill His promises of an abundant life.

We heard biblical ways to:

•  Say no without guilt or shame

•  Find a pace and perspective that matches God’s best for our lives

•  Discern man-made obligations from God-given invitations

Susie encourages us to care enough about our life and influence to make our lives a sacrificial offering to God. By saying ‘no’ when necessary, and saying ‘Yes’ to God; our lives can eternally change for His glory as we begin to see fruit producing in our lives.

Key scriptures:   John 15, John 10:10, 1 Corinthians 4:20, Matthew 5:37

Saying ‘Yes’ to God