When it comes to huge blessings in this life, they don’t get much bigger than finding someone you love to spend your life with. For an aspiring musician, being able to make music for a living is a pretty tremendous blessing as well. But to form a band with the person you love, travel around the country sharing your music & your faith – well that’s a blessing indeed – and a story that ought to be told.

In our latest trek On the Road, we welcome alongside Tyler & Jenny Somers – the husband & wife singer / songwriters that make up the band Jenny & Tyler. You might just recognize their earnest, fresh sound from songs like “This Is Just So Beautiful’ & “Muse”.

We discover their unique and refreshing story from the beginning, and trace how Jenny & Tyler went from meeting on a church bus in college to performing their music together for a living. Along the way, we learn how childhoods full of music shaped their sound, how having kids reshapes an artists’ life, how faith is at the heart of their songwriting and purpose, and how the strongest of human connections can lead to the most beautiful vocal harmonies. You can find our full conversation at the bottom of this post, or hear these great highlights first:

They explain whether or not they think it’s true that, as I once recall Alyssa Barlow telling me, musicians with a particularly close personal bond can make uniquely sweet vocal harmonies.

Highlight: Close harmony

It seems like two of the toughest challenges to grapple with for any of us are extreme success & profound failure. So, for musicians like Jenny & Tyler who are out in front of crowds of adoring fans night after night, that seems like it might be even more difficult. How have they kept themselves grounded in the midst of success and confident in the midst of disappointment?

Highlight: Staying grounded

In songs like ‘This Is Just So Beautiful”, Jenny & Tyler paint the picture of the gospel in a poetic fashion – pointing to finding forgiveness and becoming whole. So what is the role that strong faith plays in the creation of their music?

Highlight: The role faith plays

Now here’s our full interview with Jenny & Tyler, with much more insight into what inspires their music, their faith & and how their growing family changes life on the road and in the recording studio. They also share what’s next for the band & why they believe folk music seems to be in vogue across so many musical genres right now.

On the Road with Jenny and Tyler