The Bible can be an intimidating book, filled with cultural practices and language we’re not familiar with today. However, there are ways we can understand and deepen our love for the Word of God. Listen as Bible scholar Ron Rhodes returns for our monthly edition of Bible Answers. We talk about the authenticity of Scripture, the nature of prophecy, and the nature of original sin.
The nature of salvation
“One of the things we learn from Scripture is that once you become a Christian, you start to take on the family likeness. If there is no change in your life and at the same time you have no remorse when you sin, then I have to wonder. What I’ve learned from Scripture is that when we as Christians sin, we have a godly sorrow that moves us to repentance.'”
Highlight : How can I know if I’m saved?
Sharing the gospel with others
“Find out where they’re coming from and put the gospel in such a way that it will be most relevant to them.”
Which parts of the Bible should we take and apply literally?
Ron points to a number of practices and texts that divide Christians – foot-washing, head coverings, women in positions of leadership in the church. His answer is simple – decide what interpretation you’re going to use, be consistent, and let others walk in grace. “There’s a way to disagree in an agreeable way.”
What happened when the saints were raised from the dead after Jesus’ death?
“These are among the very few people who died twice. When they were resurrected they did not receive the resurrection body Paul speaks about in 1 Corinthians 15. These people were resuscitated like Lazarus in John 11. This was one miracle among many miracles that attest to the identity of Christ.”
Free will and predestination
“Both are presented as true in Scripture. It is true that God has elected some for salvation; but they are lost as a goose until they choose to follow God. God has appointed them to eternal life but they had to exercise their free will in order to believe in Jesus. How that works, nobody knows. But Scripture teaches that both are absolutely true.”
Key Scriptures: 2 Thessalonians 2:3; Romans 6:1-7; Hebrews 6:1-8; Luke 23:46; 1 Peter 3:18-19; Matthew 27:52-53; Revelation 4:10-11; 1 John 2:28; Numbers 20:1-12
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