My name is Alexander D.. I am 23 years old and currently incarcerated at Lino Lakes Minnesota Correctional Facility. Through all my faults, struggles and trials I have been spending this time bettering myself physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  I first heard of KTIS at the faith based program Inner-Change Freedom Initiative that I am currently participating in. The station has impacted my life and continues to every single day. KTIS brings hope, encouragement, perseverance, motivation and love. I strive to spread this throughout the facility.  I find hope and motivation when I come across individuals throughout the facility. I make it a point to leave them encouraged toward their future ahead; I find encouragement.  KTIS has shown me inspiration for what is to come. From the beginning of each morning, waking with a smile, I can truly say, I find love.  God Bless.

Alexander from Lino Lakes, MN