Shame is something we all go through–yet everyone who experiences it feels isolated and alone.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

You and I can walk free of shame and the trailing emotions of feeling worthless and rejected.  It’s really important that you and I know how to interrupt a shame attack. Because shame leaves us delusional about ourselves, about others, and worst of all, as a result of shame we become delusional about God.

I was subject to an overriding feeling of shame for most of my young adult life until I met Jesus Christ when I was thirty-eight. Accepting him as my Saviour was a blessed relief. But the holiness I needed to lift the shame completely eluded me. In large measure this was due to a common misconception: I thought I had to clean myself up before I could go to God without my shame. That thinking is a dead end–we can do nothing to ascribe worth to ourselves–and the harder we try with accomplishments, relationships, material possessions, etc. the more shame dominates our self-concept. Overcoming shame is one of the biggest barriers to post-abortion healing. Yet if we can learn to apply this lesson to our abortion-related problems we will find ourselves equipped for facing shame wherever it may intrude.

Dr. Edward T. Welch  presents a path that will allow us to halt shame in its tracks in his book Shame Interrupted. There is much that the Bible has to say about how to be holy and how to be clean, and Ed Welch has done a masterful job of searching out the Scriptures for our benefit. He adds wisdom and expertise from applying these truths in his counseling practice. And his pastoral heart permeates his work. We were very excited to have him onto our show!

The end of shame