Redemption. Forgiveness. Grace. These are things we all want, and they’re a huge part of Donnie’s story.

But before we hear Donnie’s story, we cover a step. As George says, “On Real Recovery we believe that addiction is idolatry, and recovery without Jesus Christ is still idolatry.” With that in mind, the guys take a look at Step 3 which says we, “Make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of Jesus Christ.” What does that mean? George goes on to say that it means giving ALL of our life over to Jesus.

Donnie lived the quintessential hippie lifestyle before he met Jesus. He looked for the answers to life in that lifestyle only to come up short, but now Donnie is a changed man, and you can hear it in his voice, his words and his story which he tells right here on Real Recovery!


Image: Flickr