What would it take for spiritual renewal to happen in your life and in your church? Gerard Long, the president of Alpha USA, says that spiritual awakenings tend to occur when God’s people understand their calling and prepare through prayer, personal renewal, and action. He joins Jo Rathmanner to talk about Awakening To God:  Discovering His Power Through Your Purpose.  God wants us to have intimacy with Him through the Holy Spirit entering our hearts. Gerard takes us back to the moment when that profound experience was his own, a powerful encounter with Jesus he had in 1980.

We glimpse the intersection of the heart and the head when it comes to God’s purpose for us. What does it take for someone to understand their purpose? We learn that it can’t be achieved in our own strength, but comes through God’s direction & power.

God needs to be our savior and the Lord of every area of our lives. We can’t hold back things like our career or our relationships.

“You can’t beat God’s plan.”

Part of living under the Lordship of Jesus is allowing His love to enter our house. A key part of experiencing love is having trust. That same truth applies to our relationship with God.

“With God, you can have nothing on the outside, but have everything on the inside.”

The things and people we live our lives for will need to change when we become people of faith. Part of our faith walk is learning to intentionally put God first.

Highlight – Intentionality

When we try to understand why pain is such a prevalent part of our world, we need to realize that our concept of time is far different from God’s.

“God permits pain for an eternal purpose.”

Awakening to God