Christians are called to share their faith with neighbors openly and in various ways. But what if you’re uncomfortable with the idea of being so forward?

What happens to Christians who are wired for one-on-one evangelism, or feel too timid to share their faith? Listen as Susie talks with evangelist Matt Brown about how to share your faith by recognizing the unique way God has wired you.

It’s good to remember that evangelism is so much more than handing out tracts or walking up to random strangers and “witnessing” in the traditional sense.

One of the greatest evangelistic tools is your testimony. Not only does that encompass what the Lord has brought you through, but also where you currently are in your walk. Your life as you live it in Christ can be an amazing yet simple tool.

Trust that God has a purpose for your life because you are wired this way. Ask Him daily how He may use you, and trust that He will. Remember too that God uses us “in process”; we don’t have to attain some self-imagined place of spiritual growth and depth.

Key Scriptures: Matthew 6:331 Corinthians 12:4-11

The Introverted Evangelist