Susie welcomes back author and youth speaker Mike Guzzardo. They talk about his book, All in: Finding True Life on the Path to Total Surrender and explore the different aspects of a faith that is transformative and real.
Mike talks about how walking by faith instead of sight in our lives is genuinely hard. However, surrender is actually not as much of a leap into the unknown as we think it is. God understands and knows all of what’s going on, so much more than we do.
“In reality, what we see will pass away before his words will pass away. When we walk by faith we are walking by something that is more real than sight.”
When people aren’t experiencing God to the level they want in their life Mike encourages them to take surrendering more seriously.
“Our level of surrender does not determine God’s love for us, his love is unchanging. But, it absolutely determines the amount of him that we’ll experience, his transformation, the amount of his promises that will come to pass in our lives.”
He explains that the more space we give God in our lives the more space God has to work with us and do great things through us.
Mike shares that we try to change the terms of a relationship with God. He offers to give us all the beauty and life we can take if we abandon ourselves to him. We, in contrast, ask for all the beauty and life but only offer a small sterile part of ourselves.
“It’s the greatest deal in the history of the world, but we have to uphold our part of the exchange.”
Mike talks about giving our wills to Christ, draws an analogy to marriage and more in his chat with Susie.
Key Scriptures: Psalm 9:10, Luke 6:46