Because of what Jesus did on the Cross, we can put our past behind us, put our fears under our feet, and embrace the Power of God to become a whole and healthy people! We are NOT the sum of our flaws; we are someone God deeply loves.
A classic writer from the 1800’s once wrote,
‘Our past is forgiven, our future is bright with hope, and our present is filled with power.’
Sometimes you just have to stop and ponder in a fresh new way, what Jesus secured for you by gaining victory over sin and death. He disarmed the enemy’s power over you. He disabled sin’s hold on you. He gained you access to the inner court that you might have an audience with the King, any time of the day or night!
It’s not enough to just talk about out the Gospel as if it’s a nice story. His victory, His gift to us, should influence every area of our lives! First Corinthians 4:20 says this:
For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk, but of power.
Today may we embrace the absolute wonder of our life in Christ!
Here is my question for you:
When you think about you could have been…how are you different now that Christ has saved you?