Hi, my name is Mike Glenn. I am the Senior Pastor of Brentwood Baptist Church, and I’ve served in that role since 1991. Back then, we were a church of about 900. Today, our membership is approaching 9,000. Preaching is my passion. If I had to give up all but one thing in my role as Pastor, preaching is the last thing I’d relinquish, because I’m passionate about breaking down the deep truths of the Gospel into terms that people can apply to their lives.

When I was in seminary, I was told by a friend of mine that I could ‘make change.’ He told me, ‘You can take these million-dollar ideas we talk about in theology and break them down into 20s and 10s for everyone else to use.’ And I guess that pretty much sums up my ministry as pastor. I can understand the big ideas of theology, but I’ve been able to break them down so people can use them in the places where they live. The local church has to make the great truths of our faith work in real life. Most of my ministry has been about ‘making change’. . . helping friends understand the good news of the gospel means for them in the places where the live, work and play.

This blog is largely focused on those things. It’s the “extra” that comes from my study and my teaching but don’t have time to place into my messages. Sure, I could preach longer, but people rarely listen longer. That means after every sermon, every teaching session, there are always questions left over I didn’t have time to answer. That’s why we came up with this site.

My goal is to have a conversation. I want to talk theology, marriage, relationships, discipleship, pastoring, church leadership, young adult ministry, and maybe even a little bit of politics occasionally. . .but only from a biblical perspective. I invite you to join me in the conversation.