In your mind, what are some of the most secular cities in America? New York City? Las Vegas? How about Los Angeles? Tim Chaddick shares how the Gospel is gaining ground in Los Angeles.

“I think in a place like Los Angeles, everybody likes to think of themselves as being kind of intellectual and thoughtful. People tend to not bury their thoughts, they like to talk about them.”

When Tim started to dialogue about his faith, he noticed that it resonated with people.

“I think people are really drawn to anything that has substance to it.”

In order for evangelical theology to relate to people who aren’t as familiar with faith, it has to apply to real life. If we can show people how the Gospel applies to their life, and that it can make life better, people will listen.

Many adults carry around spiritual baggage they began accumulating earlier in life. This baggage can often cause people to reject any mention of faith.

“Depending on where you grew up, maybe you heard these people or sources talk about faith all the time, so you kind of check out.”

However, we have entered an era where many people never learned about faith growing up so it’s completely new to them and often, they are willing to listen.

One of the most effective ways Tim connects with the secular culture of Los Angeles is by finding common ground.

There are certain issues that everyone, regardless of faith background struggles with, including temptation.

“Even a person coming from a totally secular background, they know what temptation is and when I can just describe it on a broad level without using religious language, they know.”

This is the opportunity Tim has to help them understand that we all talk about temptation just in different ways.

“So I think they really are struggling with it, wrestling with it, and if somebody starts talking about it, their ears perk up and then if I can use that opportunity to point them to Christ.”

As Christians, it is important to expose our own brokenness in an effort to connect to those who are nor found in Christ.

“They’re not crushed by it because a lot of them are afraid to go there, if they don’t know what they’re going to find if they dig deep.”

When we are vulnerable and show people that we struggle just like they do, bridges are built, and we have a chance to tell them about the hope we have in Jesus Christ

“…but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect…” – 1 Peter 3:15

Highlight: Faithfully proclaiming the Gospel in Hollywood

The Gospel and Hollywood