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A window to see you

And when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.’ (Matthew 3:16-17) I have recently become very aware of my behavior…



Surprised by Oxford

Carolyn Weber had no need for God when she went to Oxford to pursue graduate studies.  While there, she discovered God was pursuing her with a love she couldn’t resist.  Today we hear Carolyn’s candid story of her search for purpose and identity and the discovery of ultimate love and truth in the person of Jesus.  Join us for SURPRISED…



The Daniel plan

There’s a connection between faith, food, fitness, and friends, and on today’s Connecting Faith we learn about THE DANIEL PLAN: 40 DAYS TO A HEALTHIER LIFE.  This new book and plan was developed by pastor Rick Warren and Drs. Daniel Amen and Mark Hyman.  Physician, psychiatrist, and teacher Dr. Daniel Amen will be helping…



Project 143

Today we hear the story behind an important ministry. Paige Clausen is a representative and adoptive family for Project 143, and she’ll talk with Jo about how we can minister to orphans around us this Christmas season. Highlight – Project 143 Project 143 Image: Flickr…



Walking through depression

is an aptly titled book to discuss as we approach the shortest day of the year. However, a shortage of daylight and the cold of this season aren’t the only reasons depression is common. We hear biblical counsel and hope for today—and the days to come—as we shine the light on the darkness of depression with therapist and professor Dr.…



Revisit: A dream so big

A short term assignment in the midst of poverty, drought, and disease led to a lifetime of service helping Kenyan school children.



The attributes of God

When you read the Bible, the God of the Old Testament seems to be short-tempered, racist, & quick to favor men over women - is that what God is really like?



What happens after I die?

A look at what the Bible say about death, heaven and hell—and more importantly how can we be ready to face the future awaiting all of us?



Financial fitness

Managing our finances during the holiday season is a daunting task. How can we balance the holiday spirit while balancing our checkbook? Howard Dayton, the founder and CEO of Compass – finances God’s way, joins us to offer tips for managing a budget and finishing the year strong. Highlight – Financial fitness Financial fitness…


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