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Carmen LaBerge

Show Notes 06-07-22

Today with Carmen LaBerge: Find the guests she talked to and links to topics mentioned. The links below are not endorsed by or reflect the views of the Faith Radio Network. Nick Pitts – Fellow, Institute for Global Engagement The disconnect between our adopted faith and our faith in practice Lots of media promoting pride month Tampa…

Carmen LaBerge


Show Notes 06-06-22

Today with Carmen LaBerge: Find the guests she talked to and links to topics mentioned. The links below are not endorsed by or reflect the views of the Faith Radio Network. Dean Inserra –  Lead Pastor, City Church in Tallahassee Families statements after Ames shooting “Pure: Why the Bible’s Plan for Sexuality…

Carmen LaBerge


Encountering the Lord for ourselves

Does life make sense to you? More specifically, does your life make sense? If you take time to think about life, we can be challenged to make sense of it. OsGuinness assures us we’re not alone and it’s nothing new! Socrates noted long the value of living an examined life. Os says people are asking big questions because we are experiencing…

Carmen LaBerge


Show Notes 06-03-22

Today with Carmen LaBerge: Find the guests she talked to and links to topics mentioned. The links below are not endorsed by or reflect the views of the Faith Radio Network. Bruce Ashford – research fellow, Kirby Laing Center The Bible’s perspective on the political realm How to Become Yourself Carmen’s Topics The man…

Carmen LaBerge


Show Notes 06-02-22

Today with Carmen LaBerge: Find the guests she talked to and links to topics mentioned. The links below are not endorsed by or reflect the views of the Faith Radio Network. Ben Johnson – Senior Reporter and Editor, The Washington Stand Restoring America by restoring the family Big Supreme Court decisions due soon Supreme…

Carmen LaBerge


Show Notes 06-01-22

Today with Carmen LaBerge: Find the guests she talked to and links to topics mentioned. The links below are not endorsed by or reflect the views of the Faith Radio Network. Jeff Bilbro – Editor, Front Porch Republic Will we let progress replace us? Reformation in the Church of Science The Meta-Positioning Habit of Mind How…

Carmen LaBerge


Show Notes 05-31-22

Today with Carmen LaBerge: Find the guests she talked to and links to topics mentioned. The links below are not endorsed by or reflect the views of the Faith Radio Network. Mark Caleb Smith – Political Science Professor, Cedarville University Christians response to the Uvalde tragedy Our level of trust in the police Los…

Carmen LaBerge


Show Notes 05-27-22

Today with Peter Kapsner (guest hosting for Carmen LaBerge): Find the guests he talked to and links to topics mentioned. The links below are not endorsed by or reflect the views of the Faith Radio Network. Steve West – editor, Liberties Roundup – World News Group Arguing for abortion on the basis of religious grounds…

Carmen LaBerge


Show Notes 05-26-22

Today with Peter Kapsner (guest hosting for Carmen LaBerge): Find the guests he talked to and links to topics mentioned. The links below are not endorsed by or reflect the views of the Faith Radio Network. Ben Johnson – The Rights Writer Why shortage on baby formula has been set in motion for a long time State pro-life efforts…

Carmen LaBerge


Show Notes 05-25-22

Today with Carmen LaBerge: Find the guests she talked to and links to topics mentioned. The links below are not endorsed by or reflect the views of the Faith Radio Network.  Carmen Topics Staggering numbers of firearm-related deaths among children Jim Denison – Denison Forum How to respond to the findings from the investigation…

Carmen LaBerge


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