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Cultivating healthy relationships

Sandy glanced at the caller ID. Mom was calling for the third time today.   Later during her counseling session, Sandy emitted a mix of fear and fury.  “Why can’t Mom leave me alone to live my own life?  She hovers over me like I’m eight years old and don’t know how to make an intelligent decision or run my own…


How to date as a single person

Waiting, watching, praying, seeking counsel, more waiting, more talking, more praying. Christian circles are full of dating talk, and many well-meaning people offer input. I’ve gone through every stage – the I-Kissed-Dating-Goodbye stage, the I-Gave-Dating-A-Chance stage, the Live-Like-A-Hermit-‘Til-He-Comes-Riding-in-on-a-Hor…


The value of words, what to do with a million a year?

The choice of words make a huge difference. What we say to our kids, our spouse, our boss, our friends and standing in line, the words we use are so powerful. Sometimes we say words that shouldn’t be said. Sometimes we omit words that need to be said. In James 3, we find that words can change the course of life. no man can tame the tongue,…


How to initiate a difficult conversation

John and Cindy frequently argued about how to handle their finances. John bought the latest electronic gadgets. Cindy clipped coupons and shopped second hand stores. As retirement loomed, Cindy’s anxiety about their financial future grew. Every time she tried to talk with John about saving more money however, he became defensive…


Are you guilty of verbal assault?

“Reckless words pierce like a sword.” Proverbs 12:18  “With his mouth the godless destroys his neighbor” Proverbs 11:9 “The tongue has the power of life and death. Proverbs 18:21 Growing up we all heard the nursery rhyme, “sticks and stones will break our bones but words will never hurt us.” It is a lie. The wounds may be invisible,…


Is your emotional account overdrawn?

As a woman, do you feel pressure to be a Betty Crocker mom, a Victoria Secret wife, and a Martha Stewart house-keeper, all while working to help provide some family income? We tell ourselves that we ought to home school our kids, and then we feel selfish if we don’t or can’t. In addition, we want to pray and study our Bible,…


Get rid of it

Like many of you, I’m simplifying my life. I’m getting rid of stuff I don’t need, don’t use, can’t take care of or don’t want. Recently I ran across an old letter I’d saved, written by my mother. Throughout my entire life, we had an emotionally destructive relationship. Even as an adult, as a Christian and as a professional counselor,…


Cultivating drama-free friendships

Too many women friendships are full of backbiting, competition and gossip. How can we learn to interact in ways that are encouraging instead of draining? On this Live the Promise, Susie was broadcasting live from Focus on the Family! She talked with good friend and Focus on the Family program director Erin Smalley about how to…

Susie Larson


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