Hi, my name is Steve Reynolds. I’ve been called a lot of things in my life, but I never thought I’d be called the “Anti-Fat Pastor.” Not me, the one who for years wouldn’t go to bed until I’d eaten my nightly giant bowl of ice cream as I sat in my La-Z-Boy™ recliner. The Anti-Fat Pastor–who me? The one who weighed in at 340 pounds and suffered with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes? Wow! Has my life changed!

My journey began when I dedicated myself to God. In Galations 5:16 Paul called this concept “walking in the Spirit.” As the Scripture says, when we walk in the Spirit, we will not fulfill the “lusts of the flesh.” What else could we call overeating and eating bowl after bowl of ice cream other than “fulfilling the lust of the flesh?”

Dedication is important in the challenge of losing weight. We must dedicate our body to God if we are ever going to have a Bod4God. A lot of us have unhealthy attitudes toward our bodies. We need to take care of what God has given us. Remember, not one of us is perfect, but we do need to have a healthy respect for our bodies. Psalm 139:14 says, …I am fearfully and wonderfully made… Join me on this journey and achieve your personal health best now!