My name is Aaron Wellmann. Currently, I am a senior at the University of Northwestern – Saint Paul. I will be graduating in December 2015 with a degree in Electronic Media Communications and a minor in Journalism.

I find satisfaction and meaning in my life through my personal relationship with God and through building relationships with my friends and family. Undoubtedly, the most important aspect of who I am is my faith in Jesus Christ. I am a Child of God. I was created in His image with the sole purpose of glorifying my creator in all that I do.

At times, I feel like I am sacrificing a more exciting and enjoyable life by the standards of the world in an attempt to glorify God in all that I do. However, I know that it’s the best thing for me, because it’s what I was created to do. Being charged with the task of following God in such a fallen world seems like a burden at times, but I know that it’s not. Still, feelings of doubt and despair tend to creep into my life at times. I ask myself if it’s really worth following Jesus Christ. Fortunately, God has promised that if I seek Him with my whole being, He will make straight my paths, (Proverbs 3:5-6) and he will give me everlasting life, which is the best gift I could ever receive.

I write not because I believe I have any particular wisdom to impart to anyone but because I have a desire in my heart to understand Scripture and grow in my relationship with Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, I have discovered that reading Scripture and writing about how it applies to my life helps me to achieve a greater understanding of what I believe. My desire is to share what God has taught me in hopes that other people can have a life-changing encounter with God the way I have.

I am currently a Network Operator at Faith Radio as well as an intern helping with the wonderful website Faith Radio has established. For the last four years I have been a team member at Chuck and Don’s Pet Food Outlet in Roseville, MN. God has used my experiences there to shape and grow me in ways I never thought possible. When I’m not working or reading, I love sports and being outside. I love playing disc golf, biking, and running. I am an avid fan of the Minnesota Wild and Minnesota Vikings (fall is a great time for me). I seek to honor God and put Him first in my life, reaping the benefits of being led by someone much greater then myself.