Imagine having a broken relationship with a parent, seeking to reconcile as an adult, but being rebuffed in the process.  Then what do you do?  Leslie Leyland Fields lived that experience and out of it she has written a powerful book called Forgiving Our Fathers And Mothers: Finding Freedom From Hurt And Hate  Leslie shares her story and important lessons learned on biblical forgiveness.

Leslie answers important questions about forgiveness such as:

•  What does the bible say about forgiveness?
•  Why must we forgive at all?
•  How do we honor those who act dishonorably toward us, especially our parents?
•  What does forgiveness look like for real parents and children?

Sometimes the hardest challenge is forgiving those who have hurt us the most.  So why forgive?  As promised by our heavanly father, He will forgive us of our sins so we too, ought to forgive one another.  Leslie reminds us that it’s not only us who will benefit from forgiving, but the person who has caused pain will be greatly affected.

“Forgiving a hurtful parent brings blessing and joy to them… they are in desperate need of it.” – Leslie Leyland Fields

Often times, Christians are called to do the right thing even if we don’t necessarily feel like it.  So how do we know if God is telling us to take that next step towards healing and restoration?

“God will give us the desire and change our hearts to pursue forgiveness”. – Leslie Leyland Fields

Once we have done our part, God’s mercy and grace will flow through our hearts and remind us He will cover any unforgiveness that still remains.

Relevant scripture:  Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 17:7-10, Isaiah 43:25-26

Forgiving our fathers and mothers