Sometimes God asks you to take a step outside your comfort zone.  Sometimes that first step leads you on a journey you never could have imagined.  For Christina Moffatt, baking had always been a hobby.  She had warm memories of spending time in the kitchen with her mother.  She grew up watching her mother bring cheer to others through her baking creations.

So when the economy took a downturn, and her coworkers began to fear being laid off, Christina defaulted to something she knew would cheer them up- baking cupcakes for the office.

It worked!  Her coworkers loved her creations, and the cupcakes put a smile on their faces.   Friends and coworkers began asking Christina to bake for them- cupcakes for a birthday or a family event.  She loved baking, and she loved using her gift to bless others.  Her cupcakes soon became famous among friends, and one of them asked her to bring cupcakes to sell at a weekly market.

In four short weeks at the market, demand for her cupcakes grew exponentially. Suddenly, her hobby had taken over all of her free time.  She worked a full time job, and then spend evenings and weekends baking. She was exhausted.  But it seemed that God had opened this door, and had blessed her gift.  So she prayed.  She asked God for a sign.  Should she quit something she loved, but that was exhausting?  As she sat at a stoplight, she looked over and saw a literal billboard.  It said, “Be patient, and persistent.”  It felt like a direct answer to her prayer.

But she was exhausted, and she wanted to quit.  She met a friend for coffee and to talk about her dilemma.  As she walked over to get some sugar for her coffee, she saw another sign.  It said, “Use the talents God has given you.”  And the background of the sign was a cupcake.

She was stunned, but certain.  God was calling her to follow her heart and this hobby that she loved. So she took the next step.  God began opening doors.  Orders began pouring in.  Her fledgling business experienced success and blessing that many start-ups wait years for.  Each step of the way seemed far outside her comfort zone.  But no step seemed as risky as the decision to quit her safe, secure, full time job and focus on her cupcake business.

Hear Christina’s inspiring story of faith and cupcakes, in Chapter 33 of Epic.

A journey of faith and cupcakes - Christina Moffatt