Highlight : "Glory day" people trust in God

“There is an absolute guaranteed victory for the child of God and we’ll enjoy it for all of eternity. But He has to let us fight because that fight develops our strength. There’s something in that test, something in that struggle, that develops a deeper faith. So just keep fighting, don’t give up. God will get you through.”

Max Lucado knows what it is to fight but trust God for the victory. Prompted by the recent tone and rhetoric of the presidential campaigns, he wrote an article calling for a return to decency. The swell of people who read the article online caused Max’s ministry’s server to crash six times. While many were supportive of his position, many more were angered by what he wrote. Max could have grown frustrated or cynical at the reaction, but he chose instead to trust God.

We can do the same. When we’re in a challenging season, we have two choices. We can choose to carry everything on our shoulders, or we can choose to remember that God is for us regardless of what’s happening in life.

In his book, Glory Days, Max writes this declaration:

“These days are glory days. My past is past; my future is bright. God’s promises are true and His Word is sure. With God as my helper, I will be all He wants me to be, do all He wants me to do, and receive all He wants me to receive. These days are glory days.”

This might not seem like a glorious season, but don’t lose heart. Jesus takes us through different battles, but He does it so we might grow in our character and faith. When we can face hard times and say ‘The Lord is my rock,’ we cultivate strong faith with an eternal perspective.

“If you have to build a house on the rock, that means you’ve got to climb up the rock. You’ve got to go through all the inconveniences of getting all your supplies up on the rock. But it’s a decision that you make. And it’s a decision that pays long term benefits.”

What are you standing on today? Does the news of the world sway you to fear or faith? Every day we’re either standing on sand or standing on the rock that is Christ. We can choose the rock, to walk by faith instead of by sight as we live out our Christian walk. Max urges us to remember the choice we have instead of the circumstances we face. Joy is always an option in the world if we belong to Christ.

“We can assume that the world is in terrible shape, or we can assume that God is on the throne.”

We can assume that it’s the Oval Office that determines history, or we can assume that it’s the resurrected King of Kings who determines history.”

“Glory day people, promised land people, determine they’re going to place their faith in God. We want things to go right on Earth. But if they don’t, that’s okay. Because we know there is a God in heaven.”

Max Lucado has accomplished more than most writers hope for in a lifetime. Most of his books have appeared on one or more best seller lists. Max Lucado is also the senior minister at Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas.

Key Scriptures: Matthew 26:6-12; Revelation 12:10-11

Featured Songs: Impossible by Meredith Andrews; I Look to the King by Meredith Andrews; Greater Is He by Blanca

Glory days and personal revival