There are many true things about you. Parent. Introvert. Victim. Student. Extrovert. Entrepreneur. Married or single. None of these things define you. On this edition of Live the Promise, Susie’s guest is author and pastor David Lomas. We talk truth, lies, and The Truest Thing About You.

So, who are you? When someone asks you that question, how do you respond? Pastor David suggests that there are certain things in our lives that are accurate, but they are not the truest things about us. We may be divorced, sickly, broke, or wealthy, but those are not foundational truths in our lives. David calls us to look to Christ, Who modeled what it meant to know His identity. Jesus was “so secure in God’s love for Him that all of His doing flow[ed] out of His being.”

The danger in finding your identity in something other than Jesus is that you need to maintain it. Being known as “the good looking one” or “the funny one” or “the rich one” means that there is pressure to maintain that label or quality, or risk being reject by others. However, when we find our identity in Christ, everything can be taken from us and we still know who we are.

More important, WHOSE we are.

What about those who seem to be living in sin? In David’s words, “you have to trust the Holy Spirit in people’s lives.” The body of Christ has many facets and denominations – we can disagree on minor truths and still love each other because of the truest truths – that we belong to God because of the finished work of Christ, and we are called to share His love with the world.

Key Scriptures: Luke 22:39-44; Psalm 23

Theme Song: Hello My Name Is by Matthew West

Highlight : The truest thing about you

The truest thing about you

Image: Flickr