Do you feel too weak or broken to be used by God? Here’s an enduring truth: God is powerful enough to use even the least of us.

Listen as Susie talks with author and pastor Matt Keller of Next Level Church in Florida. He’s passionate about encouraging and equipping the ‘underdogs’ in our world to let go of fear and embrace our identity in Christ. Meditate on this truth: in Him you are a friend of God, beloved, precious, highly esteemed, known, and more than a conqueror.

Here are some of the excuses we tend to use when God calls us:

• I’m not qualified enough. Truth: God will equip you to do the work.
• My past is too bad. Truth: God can overcome your past.
• My reputation is too scarred. Truth: If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation!

There are monsters in our past, and things that sometimes we’re afraid to face in honesty. We need to confront our past and ask God to show us how He can redeem and use it. Why does God use broken people? As Matt puts it,

“The pain of the past, when submitted to the LORD, becomes our platform.”

God uses difficult experiences and season in our lives to draw us closer to Him and to encourage His church. If an underdog is a person who has walked through suffering, then we’re all underdogs! Don’t minimize your past or your gifts; bring them to the light, share them with others, and watch what God does in and through you. Matt’s book is God of the Underdogs: When the Odds Are Against You, God is For You.

Key Scriptures: 2 Timothy 2:10; Luke 3:1-6; 1 Samuel 17

Theme Song: Kingdom Coming by Worship Central

God of the underdogs

Highlight : Underdog excuses

This program has been previously aired.

Image: Flickr