Susie talks with young evangelist Nick Hall, founder of the Pulse movement, about full surrender to God’s charge to spread the gospel.

Evangelism takes boldness, boldness like the apostle Peter showcased.

Nick delves into the story of Peter walking in the water in Luke 11:1-13. Peter boldly asked Christ to command him to walk on the water. When we ask God for faith to step out we also should ask boldly. Nick encourages that this day and age are not times for Christians to be passive.

“This is a time to go all in. Everywhere I go I am talking to students and pastors. I really think this is the time of the harvest.”

As Christians today we have the opportunity to complete the charge Christ gave the church to reach the world with the gospel. The problem is: we want to be comfortable, and sharing the gospel isn’t comfortable. It is at this point of uncertainty that Christ calls us to full surrender.

Nick reminds us that we have all eternity to be comfortable. We have all eternity to rejoice before the King. Now, though is the time to reach out and draw people to Christ. There is an urgency to this call because hell is real, and that’s something we need to take seriously as followers of Christ. 

When he looks at teens and young adults today, Nick’s heart breaks. He sees those suffering from abuse and those struggling with thoughts of suicide and reminds us of how desperately these people need Jesus.

“The thing is, we have the answer. It’s in our hearts, it’s in our churches, and we need to get it out of the pews, out of the buildings and to the streets. We need to take it to the rooftops.”

Key Scriptures: Luke 11:1-13Luke 9:23-24Matthew 7:21

Full surrender to Chirst