Lisa Bevere of Messenger International touches on the unique power God gave women and women’s strengths in her book, Fight like a girl: The power of being a woman.

In her conversation with Susie Lisa explains that gender strife in the church has caused too much competition and harm. We end up setting ourselves up to fight instead of work for the Kingdom as God has called us to.

“We need to understand that we are on this earth to claim people and projects and claim restoration for God’s glory.”

A lot of women see men as the enemy and other women as competition.

“We don’t want to wrestle with each other. We want to understand that as women, we are answers to problem.”

Instead lives of competition and strife, we are called to face our fears and step into the great mission God has placed on our life.  Terrifying though it may be: Stepping into God’s plan means facing our fears.

God is not really interested in the areas where we are strong and he is weak. He’s interested in the areas that we are weak so he might show himself strong.

“God thinks it’s really fun to make us face what we fear. Because when we face what we fear we become fearless.”

Lisa emphasizes that God strategically places us in places where we can be uncomfortable to expose the things we can be in bondage to. God’s trying to help us confront our fears.

Our fears have no power when we step out to meet God in the midst of them. 

We shouldn’t listen to the voices around us that tell us we can’t fight fear. The world will always agree with you about why you can’t do something. But, God will not. 

Key Scriptures: Mark 3:24-25Genesis 3:15Psalm 68:11

Fight like a girl