“Why would God allow this to happen?”

That’s all Christina Moffatt could think as she sat next to her mother’s hospital bed. The cupcake business that she believed God led her to start, had taken over her life.  She had left her safe, secure career, and followed a dream to start her own business.  Her first employee was also her biggest fan – her mother.

“Mama Crème” was how the employees of Crème Cupcake referred to Christina’s mother.  She had worked long hours in the kitchen helping Christina’s business get off the ground.  About a month after Christina opened her own cupcake shop, her mother had worked a 12 hour day.  At home that evening she collapsed.  They later learned it was a massive stroke.

So, now, the dream-come-true cupcake business seemed like a mistake.  Christina struggled with worry.  Did the business cause her mother’s stroke?  What if she never recovered?  Had Christina missed God?   She had seemed so sure that this was the path God had for her.  But why would God allow this to happen?

That night Christina struggled with a crisis of faith and questions.  The business she once loved, she now hated.

“That was the night that I tell people I quit on my business.  And I quit on Him.”

But God was asking her to trust Him, even if nothing seemed to make sense at the time.

Hear more of Christina’s story in Chapter 34 of Epic.

Learn more about Christina at www.cremecupcake.com

Why would God allow this to happen? - Christina Moffatt Part 2